Friday, February 09, 2007

I'd Say Silverman Was Asking For It

This optician may be a scamming SOB but it looks to me likePeter "Watch it, buddy" Silverman was intruding on his turf. The guy pulled a couple of really feeble moves on Silverman, CITY-TV's one man vigilante squad, but I'm certain that he could have punched him in the nose or something if he really wanted to. The most surprising thing is that they called out the ETF. WTF? I guess these guys are just hanging around the ETF clubhouse waiting for some action: "Let's go get that optician who won't stay in his store!"
That said, I have a soft spot for Silverman who wrote a book called Who Speaks For The Children? in 1989. It was an indictment of the child welfare sytem in Ontario and influenced my thinking way back when. All the same, he should know when to back off a bit.

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