- A friend has cancer? No problem. Just send him/her this blythe greeting:
- No one said it would be easy to lose your hair. But knowing you, you'll find a way to turn this situation around and use it as a badge of honor. What you really mean to say is: "Trust you to turn everything to your own advantage."
- Buddy lost his job? This'll make him feel better:
- I'm sorry you lost your job, but please remember that your job is not who you are. You have many great qualities, and that's what really matters. What you really mean to say is "So stop griping about where your next meal is coming from. Nobody likes a whiner."
- I'm sure your fertility-challenged friend will feel better when she reads this message from you:
- I wish I could make things happen for you the way you want them to. I know how much a child would mean to you. What you really mean to say is: "Everyone knows you desperately want a child- you never shut up about it."
Link Via Toner Mishap
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