Tuesday, December 05, 2006

6 Sort of Weird Things About Me

Lori tagged me.
The chain lett- I mean "meme" is this: List six things about yourself that are weird (then tag six more people).
First of all let me say that I am "not peculiar, just uninhibited" to coin a Raymond Chandler phrase. That said, here are a few things you may not know about me:

1. I'm an awful crybaby. Funerals, even those of strangers, get the waterworks going. Sad movies reduce me to a quivering, damp, rashy, swollen-eyed mass. This surprises those who see me as an unrelenting cynic.

2. I never miss Coronation Street.

3. I eat the same breakfast every day for approximately six years and then switch. I am currently in a raisin toast mode (only the President's Choice brand will do). Before that it was a toasted bagel. Going back 10 or 12 years I breakfasted each morning on a boiled egg and toast.

4. I wear socks to bed in all but the warmest weeks of summer. Sorry to disappoint all those who thought I was the Queen of Romance. The socks, after all, are the appropriate accessory to the flannelette nightgowns.

5. I am afraid of heights. Perhaps this comes from being on the short side.

6. Once I start reading a book or watching a movie I have to soldier on until the end, whether I want to or not. I am a strict disciplinarian in this regard.
"Let me quit," I beg. "This book/film sucks."
"That's let me quit, SIR, and the answer is NO," I reply. I then order myself to perform 25 pushups.

Six people to tag? With Lori and Metro out of contention, I'm left with only a few blogger buddies. How about youse guys:

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