Web Rage

An internet user has been found guilty of what police said was Britain's first "web-rage" attack.
Paul Gibbons, 47, tracked down John Jones using details obtained online after the pair exchanged insults in an internet chatroom, a court heard.
He travelled 70 miles to Mr Jones' home in Clacton, Essex, and beat him up with a pickaxe handle in December 2005.

A couple of weeks ago an enraged blogger threatened me because I linked to his blog without his permission. I didn't think permission was necessary as long as one acknowledged the source, for that matter I still don't. He told me that he had zillions of friends in the blogosphere who would spread the word about my larcenous practices (when I checked Technorati he had 8 bloggers linking to him, including me). He was going to get me banned from Google, etc. I thought the goal was to get lots of blogs linking to yours (hey, you don't need permission to link to me, folks). Anyhow, that situation resolved itself without either party resorting to pickaxe handles, possibly because there was an ocean between us. It did, however, unsettle me.

