Thursday, September 21, 2006

Tom Green's Leg

A few years back I went to Arkansas to visit my mum who had Alzheimer's. It was immediately apparent that her elderly husband, much as he wanted to, could no longer care for her. I had to make arrangements for her to be admitted to a nursing home. It was awful. On the trip home we stopped off at a motel and Tom Green's testicular cancer doc was on tv. It made me laugh, the only bright spot in that whole dark experience. Go figure.

Tom Green, who allowed cameras to document his surgery for testicular cancer, plans to film an operation on his broken leg for his online talk show, 'Tom Green Live.'

'It worked with my cancer special so why not try it with my broken leg,' Green told The Associated Press.

The 35-year-old comic actor said he was doing skateboarding tricks last week in a parking lot when he suffered what he thought was a sprain. X-rays turned up a break after Green walked on the injured left leg for a week.

Surgery was scheduled for Thursday.

'I'm doing this thing for my television show on the Internet where I was going to learn a new skateboarding trick every day. I was just doing some massive ollies,' Green said Tuesday, referring to a simple skateboarding trick.

Footage of his operation will be shown on Denver-based and Green's Web site, which both broadcast 'Tom Green Live' and have the footage of Green breaking his leg.

Green figures the injury, which came a few months after he broke two ribs during a fishing accident in Costa Rica, will keep him at home more. Since his show broadcasts from a studio in his living room in the Hollywood Hills, it could mean more spontaneous broadcasts at all hours, he said.

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