Monday, June 26, 2006

I'm still a Sedaris slut, can't help it.

It's been interesting to walk around campus this afternoon, as when I went to Princeton things were completely different. This chapel, for instance-I remember when it was just a clearing, cordoned off with sharp sticks. Prayer was compulsory back then, and you couldn't just fake it by moving your lips; you had
to know the words, and really mean them. I'm dating myself, but this was before Jesus Christ. We worshipped a God named Sashatiba, who had five eyes, including one right here, on the Adam's apple. None of us ever met him, but word had it that he might appear at any moment, so we were always at the ready. Whatever you do, don't look at his neck, I used to tell myself.


  1. What exactly is Sashatiba? I searched on Google and this blog is the only site I could find and I already have this info from Sedaris' novel. I'm dying for a definition!

  2. I'm sure he was joking but I can't put it into context because the NYT link is 6 years old and I can't read the rest of the article. You'll have to email Sedaris if you want an answer to that one.
