Thursday, April 13, 2006

Failing Jeffery Baldwin

I watched this documentary last night. It was a strong indictment of the child welfare system and, in particular, the Toronto Catholic Children's Aid Society. I was a social worker at that agency for 11 years. I saw situations like this one and a very similar case that I investigated led to my resignation from the agency. I just couldn't bear seeing the abuse any more and then coming home to my own two little boys. I couldn't turn it off. I am so thankful that a death did not occur on my caseload. I knew many workers who missed signs, who took what clients said at face value, who were naive and trusting. I knew I'd find this show disturbing but didn't realize how strong the effect on me would be. I was flooded with a sea of bad memories and couldn't sleep all night. I'm still distressed ,as I should be, and so should everyone be who watched the show.
When Toronto emergency workers arrived at an east-end Toronto home early on the morning November 30, 2002, the house was dark. They knocked twice before a woman, Elva Bottineau, answered the door and directed them to the kitchen. What they found there was shocking. Lying on the table was the emaciated, lifeless body of Bottineau's five-year-old grandson Jeffrey Baldwin. Firefighters and paramedics tried in vain to resuscitate him.

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