Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Debate

My immediate response to last night's national debate:
  • Duceppe, having nothing to lose in this English language debate, gave direct answers to all the questions. I really like his stand on social issues, no sucking up to the right-wing social conservatives. He's far to the left, a former communist and not a tree-hugging socialist.
  • Layton performed well but was a little too scripted and light on specifics (we'll stand up for seniors, working people, children, etc. but how exactly?). Last election he was like a tiny barking dog, nipping at the other candidates' heels. This time he looked almost serene and came across as sincere, if sanctimonious at times. I get a little confused when he talks about the NDP's wonderful performance in the minority parliament. If things were working out so well why did he force this early election? The most we can hope for is another Liberal minority and may end up with a Harper majority. People may have been impressed by his manner but I don't think this will translate into votes.
  • Martin had the most gravitas but seemed very tired and sometimes desperate. This showed most when he said he would ban the use of the notwithstanding clause. I felt sorry for him when the others attacked him. Don't tell anyone but I've always haboured a certain fondness for Martin and have to remind myself that he gutted the EI program and cut the deficit at the expense of Canada's most vulnerable citizens. He focused on Canadian values. He did well, considering that he was the target, but I doubt that he gained much support.
  • Someone obviously told Harper to smile more or perhaps he's developed a nervous tick. He kept flashing a thinlipped smile but his eyes looked steely. He did this inappropriately throughout the debate, for instance when he was talking about the four murdered Mounties (am I the only one who noticed this?). However he stayed on message and spun his stuff in a positive fashion ( to the extent of misrepresenting his party's position). He probably gained support and will likely be our next Prime Minister. Let's hope some of the yahoos in his caucus break out from their cones of silence and sabotage his chances.

In the end they all did better than I would have done in the same position.

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