Friday, January 20, 2006

Callwood speaks but few listen

June Callwood has fought a long battle against child poverty. I know it's an issue that people care about. The political campaign that I'm working on has received far more emails on child poverty than on any other issue (they outnumber other emails by about 20 to 1). Why then doesn't it get the play it deserves? It's clear that the media aren't interested. They focus instead on SSM and who called who unpatriotic and which party Buzz likes this week.
"As voting day neared, Callwood and three other children's activists held a news conference to appeal to Canadians to consult their consciences before casting their ballots. Four journalists showed up. The pile of press kits sat pathetically on a table. The child-care workers and church leaders who'd gathered for the event tried to hide their disappointment. Callwood was magnificent. She delivered her message as if she'd been speaking to a crowd of hundreds."

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