Pack of Angry Chihuahuas Attack Officer - Yahoo! News:
"A pack of angry Chihuahuas attacked a police officer who was escorting a
teenager home after a traffic stop, authorities said. "Sure they look sweet when they're dressed in cunning little outfits but put a bunch of them together and the pack mentality takes over. Before you know it they're plotting revolution, growling Viva Zapata through bared fangs and attacking the nearest gringo. I experienced the wrath of the chihuahua when I was canvassing door-to-door during an election campaign a few years back. Three of the little bastards rushed me, dug their razor-sharp teeth into my hands and just clung there. I was jumping and screaming and flailing wildly, trying to shake them off and, no doubt, looking even more demented than ususal. The candidate, ever sensitive, kept repeating, "Quickly, Ms Bellamy, quickly." I still bear the scars from their tiny fangs. I was advised to report these vicious beasts to the public health department but there were five votes at that household (at least that's what they told me, what else could they say?) so I held my tongue.
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