Saturday, October 29, 2005

Rusty is a homosexual

"Rusty threw open the window. 'Oh, no!' he cried. 'The house is on fire! Mother! Father!' Rusty felt the door as he learned at school. The door was hot, so Rusty stayed in his room and yelled for help from his window.
A big strong fireman came up on a ladder and carried Rusty to safety. Rusty hid his face against the fireman's uniform until they were safe on the ground. Rusty was very glad to see that his whole family was safe.
'That's a good dog you have,' said the fireman. 'He saved your family! And we got here in time, so your house is barely damaged.'
The next night, Rusty couldn't sleep. He thought about the fireman. He thought about how warm and muscular the fireman had felt through his uniform. Remembering the fireman gave Rusty a funny feeling. He wished he could be together with the fireman again. "

Don't worry, Rusty, it's perfectly normal to have those feelings. I know a big brave firefighter who makes me feel the same way and I'm not a homosexual.

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