Monday, August 01, 2005

Wow Whatta Dorcus!

The Husky Bastard Collection
Get that super trendy retro look. I know you'll be anxious to get to the fashion gallery but make sure to read the history of The Dorcus fashion dynasty.

As Dorcus wrote in his autobiography, Will Someone Open a Goddamn Window?, he was just another Manhattan cheap-suit seller operating from a small store near Little Italy. “I was dyin’. No one came to the store. I couldn’t blame ‘em. Jeez, I had the odor somethin’ bad. I had to leave the store and rub my face gainst a horse just to get my own stink out of my nostrils. But one day I see this ad in the paper: the government’s selling war surplus. They’d developed a lightweight fabric for gas masks,you know, for World War One. Well, there hadn’t been any gas wars lately, so they were sellin’ it off. I figure, if it keeps gas out, it can keep gas in. I made a bid. Spent every cent I had, and turned the fabric into suits. I called the fabric SWETZ-ALOT, because I figure guys who, you know, sweat a lot, would be attracted by the name. In retrospect SWET-NO-MOR would’ve been a better name, but I found out a place in Chicago trademarked that for something they called ‘deodorant.’ Whatever that was.”

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