Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Christian Wrong

If I hadn't heard this on multiple media today I'd think that this story was the work of left-wing paranoiacs. Hugo Chavez has had to face daunting challenges both from within his own country and from the US. The Frontline piece a couple of years ago about the American-guided anti-Chavez uprising made me a Chavez supporter. Now, if Robertson were a Muslim cleric urging people to assassinate George Bush, would the American government say, "He's a private citizen, he can say what he wants."? This disgusts me. Do the words,"Thou shalt not kill" ring a bell? Here's a quote from Daily Jive that shows how wrong the Christian right is:

What type of weaponry Jesus would prefer when he does his work among men, please join the Daily Jive's letter writing campaign and ask Pat. A typical letter might be "Dear Pat, what type of stopping power would Jesus prefer in hand weaponry?" or "What might Jesus look for in ammo that leaves an exit wound the size of a grapefruit?", "or possibly, "Pat, how might political murder be accomplished in a most holy and economically incentivized fashion such that the righteous killer be rewarded with the fruits of his blessed assasination mission?"

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