Bag of Rags
Katie is really old for a Cavalier and she can mostly be found perched on the back of the sofa like this or in her basket at my feet when I'm at the computer. She's not interested in much but still loves her food - she almost took my finger off the other day when I offered her a bit of bagel. Nag Jr. says smell and taste are the only senses she has left - she's half blind from cataracts and I suspect her hearing is shot as well (she doesn't listen- does that mean she can't hear?) Her decline was fairly rapid. First she was unable to jump into bed with us, then she couldn't get onto the sofa, now she's having trouble with stairs - her back end gives out on the way down and she tumbles the rest of the way (loudly and disturbingly, usually in the middle of the night). These dogs are frisky pups one day and old bags of rags the next and the end result is always a broken heart.
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