Thursday, February 05, 2015

An Amazing Story About Animal-Human Caring!

Paul Nicklen,  a photographer for National Geographic, was assigned to photograph wildlife in Antartica. When he was in the water a leopard seal swam up to him.

The leopard seal is second only to the killer whale among Antarctica's top predators and Nicklen thought he was about to become the seal's dinner. He stayed still and instead of eating him the seal brought him a live penguin to eat.

When Paul didn't eat the penguin the seal seemed to panic because she didn't want Paul to starve to death, so she brought him food for four days!

Read more here

Thank you for this wonderful story, Bruce!

1 comment:

  1. For a National Geographic photographer, Nicklen isn’t very respectful of nature. Really, wasting a perfectly good penguin like that… tsk tsk.
