Saturday, January 03, 2009

Looking back

A couple of my blogger friends (Karen and Reluctant) have done this exercise so I've decided to jump on the bandwagon. Although this is probably not of the slightest interest to anyone but me I've taken the 1st sentence of the 1st post of each month of 2008 and came up with the list below:

Jan: See the dancing apes and naked hippies? That more or less describes my New Year's Eve experience (not this year though, thank goodness).

Feb:I visited this 600 year old pharmacy when we were in Florence a few years ago- it was indeed heavenly.

March: A while back I posted a bit about Levy County public library volunteers,most of whom are retirees, being forced to provide urine samples.

April: April 1. This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty-four. ~Mark Twain

May: In most countries May 1st is a day to celebrate the accomplishments of unions.

June: I can't decide whether this sounds good or not - I like bubbles but vodka, not so much.

July: I'm ready to crawl back into my igloo with a litre of maple syrup and a kilo of back bacon to soothe my battered ego, eh?

Aug: I have recently come to the realization that I am at risk of losing the use of my legs if I don't take a break from blogging and googling non-invasive cosmetic procedures.

Sept: Five policemen remove a wounded man from the South Chicago plant of RepublicSteel; scene of a vicious battle between workers (four killed; nearly one hundred injured), local police and hired vigilantes (1937)

Oct: Found at eternally cool, an analysis by art historian John Varriano in the journal Gastronomica of the food being eaten in da Vinci's painting The Last Supper

Nov: A man dressed as American gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson for Halloween was stabbed in the neck with a broken beer bottle last night by three masked men who didn't like his costume.

Dec: I made it to Round 2 of the Canadian Blog Awards in the Culture and Entertainment category!

What I learned from this exercise is that, for better or worse, I am a very prolific blogger. I've probably developed carpal tunnel syndrome from scrolling from top to bottom of each month.


  1. Anonymous11:34 am

    I like July's sentence -very funny.

  2. I was embarrassed because I scored poorly on a Canada Day quiz.

  3. Anonymous7:52 pm

    That was fun! It shows off what interesting stuff you always have here, too.

  4. Thanks for the blog fodder my friend.
