Wednesday, March 11, 2015

In Japan, Dog Owners Feel Abandoned as Sony Stops Supporting ‘Aibo’

"Yahui and Tatsuo Matsui met because of their dogs, Ai and Doggy. So, at their wedding reception, the couple dressed up their pets as a traditional Japanese bride and groom and seated them at the head of the table. That was in 2004, when Ai and Doggy were still pups. Now they are 15 and 13 years old. Ai’s stride has slowed and Doggy’s neck is so stiff he can barely move his head."

From 1999 to 2006 Sony Corp. sold an estimated 150,000 robot dogs called Aibos. Aibo owners love their robot pets and treat them as family members but Sony shut down maintenance services for the toy dogs last March. Now owners have to look elsewhere for help. Sometimes there is no help to be found and owners hold funerals for their beloved cyber canines.

More: WSJ

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