Tuesday, June 07, 2011

The psychology of hoarding

The Psychology of Hoarding

Via Holy Kaw!


  1. I am a hoardoholic.
    I have more books than any man needs. My bookshelves have a double depth of books. So far this week, I've only acquired five books. And some more tools. well, I really needed more tools. I always need more tools.

    And useful things. Or old things that used to be useful.Or things that were always pretty useless.
    I sometimes envy those people who live in bleak white houses with nothing in them. One "coffee-table" book. Nothing out of place.

    I only envy them for a moment though.

  2. I also have more books than I will ever read. Most of the walls in my house are booklined, the better to insulate here in the Great White North. My hoarding ends there. Mr. Nag, on the other hand .....

  3. Anonymous12:07 pm

    My Grandmother was a severe hoarder, with cats to boot. You had to walk sideways through her house on top of a foot-thick stack of pee-stained newspapers.

    My Mom shows mild hoarding signs and has some unusable space in her house, although she's much better than Grandma.

    I don't know if I agree with the 50% genetic statistic. My office desk is a mess piled high with 120mm negatives, but I hate keeping physical things unless I absolutely need to. The rest of my house is clean.

    But mabye I am a neo-hoarder? I have every email and file I've written or made since 1992. Hooray for digital hoarding! Moore's Law has made it a non-issue! :D!
