Friday, June 17, 2011

Cross-Stitch For Nerds

Before the internet got it's sharp claws in me I did a lot of cross-stitch. I guess you would have called me a craft nerd.

See more at this Link - Via Kuriositas


  1. Me too! Until the internet,Google Reader, blogging, digital photography
    I did things like cross-stitch, sew, knit, garden. Now I sit on my fat butt no wonder it is getting wider!

  2. Your garden still looks fabulous. Did you have someone look after it when you were away? I always try to travel before or after the garden explodes.

  3. Cross stitch fail:
    The blocky yellow letters in the middle example stand out so much more than the smaller black ones, that the dominant message is NOT " Do or do not, there is no try", as I imagine the stitcher intended.. Instead, what I read first is "Do Not Try".

    Nicely demotivational...

  4. The same thought passed through my mind, Soubriquet.

  5. Can I ask where you got these patterns? I would love to make to Who one...

  6. This is the link:
