Saturday, November 13, 2010

Plastic Baskets

JOSH BLACKWELL's plastic bags are prettier than yours.


  1. I’m missing something here. Are the bags a cheap and readily available medium for creating art, or a gift of art? Because if they were actually used, their lifespan would be rather short, which seems to me kind of a waste of time/effort. I suppose as a gift they have the advantage of not burdening the recipient with dusting them forever, and you can give them the same thing over again. Maybe I’m having trouble getting my head around temporary art, although I love sand castles and body painting.

  2. Plastic bags last forever; they are horrible that way. I generally despise them with an irrational passion akin to the one I usually reserve for bottled water. These ones are kind of cute though.

  3. Last forever as scraps of plastic.
    But if you use the bags much, they quickly transmogrify from functional bags, to the aforementioned scraps.
